Musical theatre shows


Die Zauberschule (2023/2024)

Commissioned by PVS Mary Ward St. Pölten

Book & lyrics: Schüler*innen der PVS Mary Ward St. Pölten

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 14.5.2024, PVS Mary Ward St. Pölten


Runa (2020-2023)

Book and lyrics: E. V. Ring

Music and additional lyrics: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 04.04.2024, Krems an der Donau (A)


Hoffnungskinder (2022/2023)

Commissioned by BRG Perchtoldsdorf

Book & lyrics: Schüler*innen des BRG Perchtoldsdorf

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 28.9.2023, Burg Perchtoldsdorf (A)


Goldene Zeiten (2021/2022)

Kompositionsauftrag des Landes NÖ

Book and lyrics: Corina Maresch, Gerald Stedile, Günther Fiala

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 26.05.2023, Hof bei Salzburg


Cooking Angels (2020-2023)

Commissioned by HLW-BASOP Zwettl

Book, lyrics and music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 22.06.2023, Zwettl


Romeo & Julia - Aufbruch in eine neue Welt (2021/2022)

Commissioned by Musicalsommer Winzendorf

Book and lyrics: Benedikt Karasek

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 03.06.2022, Winzendorf (A)


Unser kunterbunter Zoo (2019)

Book and lyrics: Manuela Wieninger

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 22.09.2019, Asperhofen (A)


St. Nikolaus - DAS Musical über den Hl. Nikolaus 

Book: Anita Hofmann

Music & lyrics: Günther Fiala


Carmilla (2018/2019)

Book, music & lyrics: Günther Fiala

Additional lyrics and ideas: Elisabeth Victoria Reisenhofer & Julian Holzer

Premiere: 08.04.2019, Krems an der Donau (A)


V for Victory (2015-2017)

Book: Dries Janssens, Sam Hancox & Anthony Orme

Lyrics: Dries Janssens

Additional lyrics: Anthony Orme

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 26.03.2018, London (GB)


Living in Paradise (2016)

Book & lyrics: René Tillmann

Book, lyrics & music: Günther Fiala


Des Kaisers neue Kleider (2013) [The Emperor's New Clothes]

Book & lyrics: Lisa-Marie Ulrichshofer

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 04.04.2014, Berndorf (A)


Die tanzende Stadt (2010) [The Dancing Town]

Book: Iris Jedlicka, Kerstin Wolny, Verena Heinthaler & Günther Fiala

Lyrics: Anja Waldherr, Iris Jedlicka, Stefan Lemmerhofer & Günther Fiala

Music: Günther Fiala, Roland Schalken & Stefan Lemmerhofer

Premiere: 25.03.2011, Pottenstein (A)

ORDER: Plausus Theaterverlag


Die Schneekönigin (2009) [The Snow Queen]

Book, lyrics & music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 23.04.2010, Pottenstein (A)


Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns (2008) [Gritta von Ratsinourhouse] 

Book, lyrics & music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 24.04.2009, Pottenstein (A)


Lancelot (2007)

Book, lyrics & music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 09.05.2008, Pottenstein (A)


Kaviar & Kohlsuppe (2006) [Caviar & Cabbage Soup]

Book, lyrics & music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 04.05.2007, Pottenstein (A)


Die euphorischexorbitantgenialfantastische Zeitreise (2006) [The Time Travel]

Book: Anja Waldherr, Julia Waldherr, Ramona Bohusch & Michael Westymayer

Lyrics & music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 02.09.2006, Pottenstein (A)


Alice im Wunderland (2005) [Alice in Wonderland]

Book, lyrics & music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 12.05.2006, Pottenstein (A)


Odysseus (2004)

Book, lyrics & music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 29.04.2005, Pottenstein (A)


Bourbon & Brandy (2004/2005)

Book: Barbara Mayerhofer-Sebera & Günther Fiala

Lyrics & music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 15.10.2004, Pottenstein (A)


Oliver Twist (2000)

Book, lyrics & music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 21.04.2001, Pottenstein (A)


Robin Hood (1999)

Book, lyrics & music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 12.05.2000, Pottenstein (A)




Works for concert band


Believe In Yourself (2024)

für Jugendblasorchester/for Young Band


Im Glanz der Heimat (2024)

Auftragswerk der Bezirksarbeitsgemeinschaft (BAG) Baden-Mödling-Wr. Neustadt


70er BAG-Marsch (2024)

Auftragswerk der Bezirksarbeitsgemeinschaft (BAG) Baden-Mödling-Wr. Neustadt


The Magic Flight (2021)

March for Concert Band


Auf den Schwingen des Adlers (2021)

March for Concert Band 


Freedom Forever (2020)

Fanfare for Concert Band


Marsch der Buchriegler (2020)

March for Concert Band


Aufschwung (2020)

March for Concert Band


Leif Eriksson (2019)

Piece for Concert Band


Marschpat-Fanfare (2019)


Festfanfare (2017)

for wind orchestra

Premiere: 23.11.2019, Paudorf (A)


Marionetten-Walzer (2017)

Waltz for wind orchestra

Premiere: 27.04.2018, Berlin (G), Zentralkapelle Berlin


Hymn Of Hope (2017)

for concert band




Orchestral works and chamber music


The Mysterious House (2021)

for string orchestra


A New Beginning (2020)

for symphony orchestra


Eine kleine Weihnachtsmusik (2019)

for chamber ensemble

Premiere: 08.12.2019, Furth bei Göttweig (A)


Brave Heroine (2018)

for string ensemble

Winner of the Sight Reading Composition Project by the South Carolina Music Educators Association 2018/2019


Cozy Turtle (2018)

for string ensemble


Heroic Kings (2018)

for string ensemble


Little Fanfare (2018)

for string ensemble


New Adventures (2018)

for string ensemble

Winner of the Sight Reading Composition Project by the South Carolina Music Educators Association 2019/2020


Stars (2018)

for string ensemble


The Great Hall (2018)

for string ensemble


Innere Einkehr (2018)

for chamber ensemble

Premiere: 08.12.2018, Furth bei Göttweig (A)


Through the Night (2018)

for string ensemble

Premiere: 18.11.2018, Hernstein (A)


Song for 3 Guitars (2017)


Odysseus-Medley (2016)

for symphony orchestra with piano, electric guitar, electric bass and drums

Premiere: 01.05.2016, Berndorf (A)


Wassermusik Modern [Modern Watermusic] (2016)

for symphony orchestra with piano, electric guitar, electric bass and drums

Premiere: 01.05.2016, Berndorf (A)




Church music


Triestingtal-Messe (2024)

for SATB and orchestra

Premiere: 16.6.2024, Berndorf (A)


Herr, erbarme dich (2019)

for SATB and orchestra

Premiere: 2022


Ave Maria zu Pfäfers (2019)

for SATB, string quintet and organ

Premiere: 22.08.2021, Pfäfers (CH) 


Halleluja (2017)

for SATB

Premiere: 16.06.2019, Berndorf (A)


Lamm Gottes (2018)

for SATB and symphony orchestra

Premiere: 16.06.2019, Berndorf (A)


Ehre sei Gott (2017)

for SATB and orchestra

Premiere: 10.06.2018, Berndorf (A)


Heilig, heilig (2016)

for Baritone, SATB, 2 Fl., Str.

Premiere: 09.06.2017, Berndorf (A)






Das Studium der Weihnachtskeks (2021)



Ein ganz besond'res Weihnacht'n (2020)



Mein Weihnacht'n (2019)



Each One Of Us (2018)

Song for SATB, piano, percussion and strings

Lyrics by Elisabeth Victoria Reisenhofer


Star of the East (2018)

for SATB

Lyrics by Eugene Field

Premiere: 08.12.2019, Paudorf (A)


Die Welt ist bunt und wunderschön (2019)

from the musical "Alles ist bunt"

Lyrics by Manuela Wieninger

Premiere: 09.01.2019, Vienna (A)


Gulli, gulli (2019)

from the musical "Alles ist bunt"

Lyrics by Manuela Wieninger

Premiere: 09.01.2019, Vienna (A)


Schau hinauf zum Himmel (2019)

from the musical "Alles ist bunt"

Lyrics by Iris Lang

Premiere: 09.01.2019, Vienna (A)


Was wünsch' ich mir zu Weihnacht'n? (2018)


Release: 21.12.2018


Fetzenmorkt is heit! (2018)

Lyrics by Gerlinde Knaus

Premiere: 07.12.2018, Vienna (A)


A Golden Day (2018)

for SATB

Lyrics by Paul Laurence Dunbar


Verloren (2018)

Song for baritone, frame drum and harp


Little Things (2018)

Song for SA and piano


Weihnacht'n ist die stillste Zeit (2017)


Release: 18.12.2017


Progress (2017)

Song for SATB, piano, electric guitar, electric bass, drums and string quintet

Lyrics by Eva Woska-Nimmervoll

Premiere: 25.08.2017, Murau (A)


Der Wassermann [Mr. Aquarius] (2010)

from the musical „Wasser in Not

Book & lyrics: Susanne Schmieder-Haslinger

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 2010, Berndorf (A)


Dreck und weg [Dirt] (2010)

from the musical „Wasser in Not

Book & lyrics: Susanne Schmieder-Haslinger

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 2010, Berndorf (A)


Why? Piano Song Against Terrorism (2015)

Premiere: 15.11.2015, YouTube


Die Verantwortung liegt bei uns [The responsibility lies with us] (2015)

from the musical „Natürlich Mensch

Book & lyrics: Manuela Wieninger

Music: Günther Fiala


Billig ist gut [Cheap Is Good] (2015)

from the musical „Natürlich Mensch

Book & lyrics: Manuela Wieninger

Music: Günther Fiala


Was wirklich wichtig ist [What Is Really Important] (2015)

from the musical „Natürlich Mensch

Book & lyrics: Manuela Wieninger

Music: Günther Fiala


Die Welt hat längst genug [The World Has Enough] (2015)

from the musical „Natürlich Mensch

Book & lyrics: Manuela Wieninger

Music: Günther Fiala


Ein Star [A Star] (2003)

from the musical „Dream Or Nightmare?

Book & lyrics: Roman Untersmayer

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 31.08.2003, Enzesfeld (A)


The Killer In My Room (2003)

from the musical „Dream Or Nightmare?

Book & lyrics: Roman Untersmayer

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 31.08.2003, Enzesfeld (A)


The New York Musical School (2003)

from the musical „Dream Or Nightmare?

Book & lyrics: Roman Untersmayer

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 31.08.2003, Enzesfeld (A)


Künstler sein [To Be An Artist] (2003)

from the musical „Dream Or Nightmare?

Book & lyrics: Roman Untersmayer

Music: Günther Fiala

Premiere: 31.08.2003, Enzesfeld (A)


Die Querflöhe [The Fleas]

Trio for 3 Flutes


Die Wühlmaus [The Vole]

Song for children's choir 




Sound performances


Panta Rhei (2020)

Kompositionsauftrag des Landes Niederösterreich

Music by Florian Wiencek and Günther Fiala

Premiere: Oktober 2020, Wien (A)


inSitu (2017)

Sounds & music by Florian Wiencek and Günther Fiala

Premiere: 11.05.2017, Ziersdorf (A)